
Showing posts from January, 2019

“Toxic masculinity”

You call it toxic masculinity I call it sin. We are in a fallen world and the evil that goes on in the world is proof. I don't care what Gillette or any one else thinks about me. The one option that matters to me, and it will ultimately matter to all of man kind, is what does God think of me. Does he see Jesus in me. Am I in Christ? I must decrease and He must increase. Back to my original reason for writing. Toxic masculinity is a construct meant to make men shrink in their role as leaders and second guess their responsibility to be the spiritual head of the home. I didn't make man the head of the home God did. So many of the modern subdivisions of people are designed by the father of lies to be divisive to the family unit, the home and the church. Feminism is as old as the world. It didn't just start in the 1900's. The serpent said yea, hath God said? Hey girl you gonna let god/that man fool you into thinking that ? So if it's toxic masculinity, or race or gender ...