The presidential circus

The louder the cry from the media, and the democrat party for Trump to resign over his "locker room banter", the more I'm inclined against my better judgment to vote for him. Now I say inclined not convinced. 
In an apples to apples comparison, the Clinton's have showed far greater lack of judgment, and less character, than the latest revelation of Trump's antics.  I'm thinking of daily calling for Clinton's resignation as the Democratic party nominee. This would be based on real criminal activity that she has been involved in, as well as her husband, and their corrupt associates. 
Did Donald's talking get the US ambassador killed? Did his talk criminally defraud the people of Haiti? The list is long, and the body count is high, of those that have fallen in the wake of the Clinton's, but you won't hear the call for her to leave the party. 
I think this will backfire on the Bush family, who as I understand it, are the ones behind the release of this audio. 
Trump's supporters will double down, and this will just strengthen their resolve. 
If the Republican "leadership" think they have any say in what happens here, they should look at the last two elections, and see what the rank and file of the party thought about their choices. 
Liberty, and libertarian thought is running rampant in this country, and as soon as the Libertarian party nominates a honest to goodness libertarian candidate, there will be a major upset to the two party's one hundred plus reign of power. 
Do not, however, expect to have a presidential candidate, or president, change the way or direction of the country. That change, I firmly believe, has to come from the local political level, starting with sheriffs, county supervisors, state legislators and the like. Insisting on moral men of character, the rule of just laws, and principles of limited government, are key to the establishment of an environmental where free men can thrive and flourish. 

Darrel Darrel Darrel 
Vote for Darrel Castle
He's probably the only candidate in this race that has any character. 
