What if...

Having just read a thought provoking article from No Greater Joy I am struck with the thought "what if".
What if we spent more time teaching our children about the Bible and the God of the bible. What would they learn and more importantly what could we learn. There is nothing like trying to teach someone, to make you really learn what you thought you already knew. How much richer would be our relationship with our Father, and moreover how much richer and sweeter would be our relationship with our children. The scriptures are full of the failures of the saints, and at the same time they give such insight into the love and grace of a loving God, that in spite of this constant shortcoming on the part of mankind, our Heavenly Father is so long suffering and patient with us. He is the rule that Corinthians 13 is modeled after. Luke comes to mind in the 11th chapter
13 If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall  your
heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him?
Makes you think. Starting tomorrow by the grace of God.

Here is the link to the article

